Tuesday, November 2, 2010

QR Codes



Tiny URL & LAYAR 3D Images

TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/24tqqlp

Layar3D Images:

My experience with Layar ended up running much more smoothly than the previous assignment - with this model actually showing up on the iPhone. Though I did have a few minor problems, regarding the texture, as they had disappeared when I converted the model into Layar3d. Another problem I had was the size of the model being very large, taking up much of the Village Green. All in all, it works - and I was able to actually walk around the model.

Yahoo Pipes:

rss link: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=71da5a2a44e5621213af713e73a3ae14&_render=rss

Printable PDF Poster

"the VITRA playground" 3xA1 Poster in PDF. Format

http://www.filefront.com/17468570/VITRA PLAYGROUND PRINT.pdf

"the VITRA playground" 3x A1 Poster in JPG. format

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Draft Posters

A draft layout of my poster. I am still unsure of whether to have the image of the playground to take up only half the page, or to have it take up the whole page as a background. The image I have used for now is just a progressive image.

Vitra Museum Progress

I have removed some elements of the Vitra museum and added some simple draft colours to some main elements. The colours represent simplicity and playfulness. I plan to make a couple more changes to this reinvention, by modifying, adding and/or removing other elements.

Poster Concepts & Ideas